Faceup and doll news

It’s been a while, so just a quick update what’s going on doll-wise. 🙂

The finnish doll forum Hartsilapset has been down for almost two weeks and I really miss it. The forum isn’t insanely active, but it’s a nice way to see what other people are up to, great for reference and help, good place to sell and buy stuff, and great for keeping a database of my dolls. I hope it’ll come back eventually. 😦

On Wednesday I’ll pay the last half of Withdoll Adriana. I’m excited! I know she won’t arrive for a while but I don’t mind waiting. I wasn’t supposed to buy any new dolls this year, but seeing as she was limited I couldn’t help myself. I got her in gray resin and she’ll be my first gray doll. I’m planning to make her into a robot of some sort – since one of my dolls builds androids I thought it might be fun to actually have one.
The other reason for getting her was that Withdoll female bodies are one of the prettiest in my opinion and I really wanted one. We’ll see how I’ll like her.

face2Doll stuff with my old dolls: I gave Sorin a new faceup. I’ve been toying with the idea of selling him because he is just so big and heavy that I find him a bit hard to handle. Maybe a new faceup will help me makeup my mind (or at least I got some practice).
When I took his eyes out I noticed that his blue eyes have yellowed a lot. The whites are really yellow, but it doesn’t show much when he’s wearing the eye. I might still change both eyes to be the same color if it’s too distracting.

Oh yeah and I did a quick test to see if my mock up of Dey would work in real life.ohno.pngNot really :D. The wig has to go. And the eyes are actually different ones, since the green ones are really small. Heh. I don’t know what I’ll do with him.


I still need to get clothes for everyone… Slowly but surely I guess.


Akagidoll resin match

Over the weekend I tried the Akagidoll body with my guys’ heads and discovered that the white skin is in fact almost darker than my Dollshe Fresh skin big guy. (These are not the best photos, sorry. It was cloudy all weekend and I have a though time getting enough light for my camera.)


Simply Divine Luna White, Dollshe Fresh skin, LittleRebel normal skin


Simply Divine Luna White, Dollshe Fresh skin, LittleRebel normal skin

It’s definitely not the color I expected. I’m not sure if I should start looking for a new body for Joseph.
The good news is that Akagidoll matches pretty closely to Dollshe, even though the neck gaps a bit. The Dollshe body is so heavy and, frankly, not the best poser (in my hands) and I had been thinking I would maybe want another body for him.  Now I have the opportunity if I want to do that.

Quick side note: I updated my art blog with a few doll drawings.



Rey Lewis is here!

I have been busy and (almost) ignoring dolls for the past few weeks, because I’m in the middle of my last internship and I’m meant to graduate by Christmas. This isn’t a proper box opening either, it was so dark that taking pictures was pretty useless.

A week ago I got the word that my Dollshe 28M Classic Rey Lewis had been shipped and after an anxious weekend and a few days extra, I finally got him on Thursday! He was ordered on 29th of July and I got him after exactly three months, on October 29th.duder2

My first impressions were that he was heavy and difficult to pose. His nipples are quite, well, protruding, and same can be said about his private parts. (It actually makes sitting a bit difficult for him.)

After handling him for a few days I’m getting more comfortable with his size and posing him. His face looks a bit different from the promo pictures, but I actually like him even more in person.duder1

He was able to hold up Poro in his arms 🙂 And the detail in his feet and hands is exquisite.


I’ll take more pictures when I have time to give him a faceup.
I also ordered smaller eyes for all my big guys and new wigs from Monique, the 7″-8″ ones were a bit too small for them. I’m hoping 8″-9″ will be a better fit. The shoes I meant for him didn’t fit either >.<